****BARIC organizes 2 Jamat for Jumuah prayer, ****”1ST Jamat @12:30PM, Iqamah @1PM” **** “2ND Jamat @ 1:30PM Iqamah @2PM” **** BARIC is accepting student for Madrasa Program. Please contact with Imam Abdul Wali.


Back in Ramadan 2012, one of the brothers in East Brampton hosted Taraweeh prayer in his Living Room. About 20 brothers responded and participated in that Taraweeh. It is at that time when these brothers planned to rent a place in the area to provide religious services for the Muslim community. They grouped together and made sincere efforts which resulted in the forming of “Brampton And Regional Islamic Centre (BARIC)”, Alhamdulillah. Eventually, BARIC was incorporated on August 29, 2012 under the Ontario Corporations Act as a not-for-profit charitable organization.  BARIC brothers then started searching a place to rent with no luck until they found a Store in a Commercial Plaza which was on sale, not for rent. Having no cash in hand, these brothers demonstrated their courage and proceeded with a purchase deal to pay off the property in six months. With the blessings of Allah SWT they were able to raise enough money even more than required in the given period of time. By completing minor renovation works, the 2,050 sq.ft. Store at 4525 Ebenezer Road, Unit #3, Brampton was converted to BARIC Centre which finally started its activities in April 2013.

With many successful programs and services, the regular presence of families in BARIC increased rapidly when it became necessary to get a larger place to serve all families. In this pursuit, BARIC purchased a 2.7 acres land at 9445 Clarkway Drive, located on west of Hwy 50 & south of Bellchase Dr., Brampton in November 2014 with an intention to build a complete Islamic Centre on this land.

Due to lengthy planning and permit process to build the proposed BARIC Centre on its land, BARIC purchased another 3,600 sq.ft. property (Unit #4 & #5) adjacent to the existing Centre (Unit #3) in April, 2016 to accommodate the rapidly increasing families. BARIC will continue to provide its programs and services from this location until the new Centre is built.

BARIC is a non-profit and charitable organization providing religious and community services for the entire Muslim population in the large area of East Brampton (Ward 8 and 10) and surrounding areas including Woodbridge, Malton, Etobicoke, Caledon, Bolton, Nashville and Kleinburg . BARIC plays an important role by providing humanitarian aids and other charitable functions for the people in need irrespective of their religion, race and clolour. It makes regular contributions through donations to various national and international Charitable and Relief Organizations, Hospitals, Foundation and others. BARIC also actively participates in environmental and other community works in Brampton.

BARIC has a vision of providing religious and community services with specific focus on adolescent and youth for the entire Muslim population in the East Brampton and surrounding areas. The proposed BARIC Centre will have a large Prayer Hall, a Gymnasium, a full-fledged Madrasa, a Library, and a separate Place for Elderly services.  In addition to the current programs and services, the Centre will also provide other services including counseling, marriage and funeral based on the community needs. The Centre will play a key role to bring peace and harmony in the region and will contribute to provide a safer community.